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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam sollicitudin, nisl ut tempor porta, dui dui congue libero, at faucibus massa mi in risus. Aenean at risus. Morbi tempor tortor quis pede. Pellentesque felis ante, venenatis non, tristique in, pharetra non, nunc. Donec ornare tortor. Suspendisse in enim sit amet mauris sollicitudin feugiat. In massa. Duis sapien nisl, egestas in, mollis et, accumsan id, leo. Cras fringilla. Maecenas vitae urna quis orci sollicitudin tincidunt. Morbi purus felis, sollicitudin a, ultrices eu, commodo vitae, erat.

12:58 م

Investing in the Internet .. The astronomical figures

After falls big in the financial markets, real estate and finally the car market and led to the announcement of thousands of companies in both these sectors or other sectors that depend on it that 2008 is the year of loss for them and time itself quietly Internet companies or self-styled b virtual companies after the announcement of the results of the fourth quarter of 2008 on the rise in profits and high rates.
And characteristic of investment in the Internet:

* Low Value Lot
* Access your site to all segments of society in the countries of the world (like a supermarket has branches in all cities of the world).
* Work from anywhere, even if the house
* Lack of manpower in the development of scripts and applications of the Internet every day and dramatically

And to review together some numbers (opens self):
• Creating a Mark Jokrberg site in 2004 (Facebook) and the goal is to communicate with his friends at the university .. At the end of 2007, the number of its members to 80 million members and offered him a sum of one billion dollars, but his rejection of the belief that its worth more than this amount .. In the newspaper "The Wall Street Journal," indicated to Anscherkp Microsoft seeking to buy 5% of the value of "Facebook" with a value of $ 300 to $ 500 million, which means that the value of Facebook "total amount of up to six to ten billion.
* The company "Uzcorpurishn", owned by Australian billionaire Rupert Murdoch, bought the site "MySpace", a site of social relations, the amount of $ 580 million.
* Google's market value by Digital Daily site is $ 156 million
* Ashley Kowalz established with the 15-year-old site WhatEverLife.Com .. And this girl is now living with her family in a villa of two floors, which it purchased from her own money .. And refused several tempting offers for the purchase of one of its $ 1.5 million .. The monthly income of close to 70 thousand dollars.
* Site (YouTube) The company you buy Google in the amount of $ 1.65 billion.
* Network MySpac plans to buy Photobucket site to $ 250 million.
* Sale site «Hardware Zone» 4.5 million.
* Dig site, which began $ 1500 after just two years became a $ 200 million.
* Site Twitter, a micro-blogging site for refusing to be bought by Facebook $ 500 million

And the chain goes on the search for a market value of the site believes that a successful plant or one of these companies (bloger - yahoo - hotmail - filckr - travian)
On the Arab level such sites Bndhark how market value?? And monthly profit??
(Written - the dimensions of the information - the sands - Forums - Brasil Trade Forum - users)
The reason behind the lack of Arab Internet companies is the fear and mistrust to the Internet now ..!!!
And do not forget to take the name of any site above and search for it in GOOGLE and answer these questions:
How is the amount that was started by the site owner?? How old is the website? What is the period that brought the price of the site to these astronomical numbers??

Finally you convinced that investment in the Internet now is the surest way to profit?? (From my point of view .. yes) as the requirements for creating a site does not require only a good idea based on planning and a little experience .. The price of creating a site on the Internet is the same price per meter in a suburb of Riyadh!! Was sold in a short period value (skyscraper)!
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8:37 ص

Trade through the Internet and additional means to increase income

Many global reports showed that millions of people turned to trade via the Internet in order to increase their incomes and profits.

These studies indicated that about 27 million people around the world said they live on an income through online sales, while 14 million people said they almost rely on the Internet as a major source of income.

Also revealed that the reports conducted for the site "eBay" Auctions on the Internet that one out of every ten of those who engage in sales activity across the site think of leaving their jobs to devote to selling online.

Said Benjamin Grubbs, director of marketing, "eBay" There is an increasing growth of online trading which gives people more flexibility with regard to working hours.

The site will help you a lot


http://saha-ar.blogspot.com/ in the selection of the best Internet projects suitable for T_khassatkm and hobbies.
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8:33 ص

Need Money Now?

If you are seeking an unsecured personal loan or small business loan, you have located a very useful source to assist with your financing goals. At America One, we know just how frustrating it is borrowing money in today’s economy. Fortunately, in 2009 alone, we’ve helped our clients receive Millions in Unsecured Loans.

By using our services, you benefit from America One's extensive knowledge of today's most liberal and aggressive lending sources. Our specialty product is an Unsecured Loan or Signature Loan which you may use for any purpose, with no collateral required.

We welcome the opportunity to assist you in obtaining the money you require to succeed. Our experienced professional staff is available for a free consultation. To get started, please choose the loan service most suitable for you from our left hand LOAN SERVICES menu, or begin immediately with our quick application process to the right.
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11:53 ص

Concepts about the general loan

The study of loan-General as the income is unusual in requiring Find Maheph and passed and its effects and what expiry of the steering wheel of all of this?
* What the general loan: Lincoln definition of general loan on it: people borrow one law fratricide war
* Species: Public loans are divided into several types depending on the criterion of what counts
- The spatial scale of the issue: divided public loans to the internal national and external foreign Valdakhlip lender is the one person to the natural moral within the territory of the State, regardless of nationality either State shall be a lender in which one person natural or moral from outside the country foreign nationals States organizations and different loan procedure for external from several aspects, including the income of no more than Kulrd practice in the national wealth of the loan unlike the outside and adds the foreign loan balance of wealth in foreign currency loan, unlike the national and foreign loan leads to the intervention of the lender to intervene in the internal affairs of state borrowing.
- Free subscription to the loan: According to this standard are divided into public loans to loans and other optional mandatory and the latter forced the people to participate in the IPO.
- The timing of loan: This loan is divided to the point of temporary loans and loans to life imprisonment.
* Characterization of the loan year: view in this regard to consider the loan contract, a critic Ray especially for loans to Tguetqr compulsory element of freedom and satisfaction.
And went to another view, that an act of sovereign states where constitutions Most "on the need to issue a loan year under the law of the steps of parliament as stated in paragraph 15 of Article 122 of the Algerian Constitution.
* Issuance of loan-General: The issuance of public loans require a law passed by Parliament and issued a specific value or non-specific value and be in the first case, if the state is already set a ceiling for the amount you want to borrow either in the second state did not specify an amount for it.
- Corporate Bonds: Bonds takes the form of the loan is usually in: nominal bonds or bearer or mixed
* The effects of loan: implications for the results to the lender a response amount in full to the lender and the national or foreign as well as for the latter on a range of benefits, a benefits of the loan and the issuance of bonds without parity rate and exemption from taxes either for a borrower if the internal, the Masrv to spend consumption leads to waste of national resources are either external increase in the state of the currency Alajnbeplmusbandp investment requirements.
* The expiry of the loan-General: expire the obligation of the State by the loan-General, inter alia:
- Meet and consumption and switch are intended to replace the loan last year with a new low interest loan in an old high loyalty....
0 التعليقات
9:23 ص

best secured loans 2011

best secured loans 2011

Dear reader.
best secured loans 2011Perhaps the title of the article is somewhat strange, best secured loans blog, which seeks mainly to provide all the information are looking for a lot of Internet users both in the United States Tournament America or in Britain or in Canada or in France or in any country in the world strive to provide those Information correctly and completely.
Blog does not assume any responsibility at all toward any information that is untrue, inaccurate, just provide the information we can provide for best secured loans which we learned from our experience as well as through the experience of many of the borrowers.
Secured loans are the goal that we seek to provide as much information as possible you are.
0 التعليقات
9:23 ص

best secured loans 2011

Dear reader.
best secured loans 2011Perhaps the title of the article is somewhat strange, best secured loans blog, which seeks mainly to provide all the information are looking for a lot of Internet users both in the United States Tournament America or in Britain or in Canada or in France or in any country in the world strive to provide those Information correctly and completely.
Blog does not assume any responsibility at all toward any information that is untrue, inaccurate, just provide the information we can provide for best secured loans which we learned from our experience as well as through the experience of many of the borrowers.
Secured loans are the goal that we seek to provide as much information as possible you are.
0 التعليقات
9:17 ص

how i can get $100/day Easy from ADSENSE

1. Pick a product Keyword

- I use product keywords because you get a higher Earning per click in adsense when you target these types of “buyer keywords”
- Another reason I use them is because it is easy to write a product review
- Eg “car seats for toddlers”

2. Find 2 other related Long tail keyword

- I then try to find 2 other keywords that have my original keyword in it but also have a brand
- Eg. If my keyword was “car seats for toddlers” I would use “evenflo car seats for toddlers”

3. Research Competition and CPC

- I go to the google keyword tool listed here https://adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternal and check out the CPC of all of my keywords
- I try to target only keywords with a CPC of $1 or more
- I put my keyword into google and get the top 10 results
- I take all 10 Urls and put them into yahoo site explorer to see how many backlinks they have
- If out of the top 10 most have more than 100 backlinks I will find new keywords

4. Use a simple and Clean Theme

- I use a very simple and clean theme that has a good Click through rate
- An example of a good theme is here www.carseatsfortoddlers.info

5. Write about 400 words of content on your product

- I write about 400 words of content about each keyword on separate pages
- If your wondering what to write about why not write it in a product review fashion?

6. Build 30 backlinks each week to each page until you are ranked

- I write articles about my products and submit to ezine, do blog commenting, and social bookmark

7. Add Adsense once you are ranked

- I wait until I am ranked to add adsense so I get a higher payout

8. Rinse and Repeat X 30 = 100/day

9. My favorite step – Enjoy the Profits!

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