The study of loan-General as the income is unusual in requiring Find Maheph and passed and its effects and what expiry of the steering wheel of all of this?
* What the general loan: Lincoln definition of general loan on it: people borrow one law fratricide war * Species: Public loans are divided into several types depending on the criterion of what counts
- The spatial scale of the issue: divided public loans to the internal national and external foreign Valdakhlip lender is the one person to the natural moral within the territory of the State, regardless of nationality either State shall be a lender in which one person natural or moral from outside the country foreign nationals States organizations and different loan procedure for external from several aspects, including the income of no more than Kulrd practice in the national wealth of the loan unlike the outside and adds the foreign loan balance of wealth in foreign currency loan, unlike the national and foreign loan leads to the intervention of the lender to intervene in the internal affairs of state borrowing.
- Free subscription to the loan: According to this standard are divided into public loans to loans and other optional mandatory and the latter forced the people to participate in the IPO.
- The timing of loan: This loan is divided to the point of temporary loans and loans to life imprisonment.
* Characterization of the loan year: view in this regard to consider the loan contract, a critic Ray especially for loans to Tguetqr compulsory element of freedom and satisfaction.
And went to another view, that an act of sovereign states where constitutions Most "on the need to issue a loan year under the law of the steps of parliament as stated in paragraph 15 of Article 122 of the Algerian Constitution.
* Issuance of loan-General: The issuance of public loans require a law passed by Parliament and issued a specific value or non-specific value and be in the first case, if the state is already set a ceiling for the amount you want to borrow either in the second state did not specify an amount for it.
- Corporate Bonds: Bonds takes the form of the loan is usually in: nominal bonds or bearer or mixed
* The effects of loan: implications for the results to the lender a response amount in full to the lender and the national or foreign as well as for the latter on a range of benefits, a benefits of the loan and the issuance of bonds without parity rate and exemption from taxes either for a borrower if the internal, the Masrv to spend consumption leads to waste of national resources are either external increase in the state of the currency Alajnbeplmusbandp investment requirements.
* The expiry of the loan-General: expire the obligation of the State by the loan-General, inter alia:
- Meet and consumption and switch are intended to replace the loan last year with a new low interest loan in an old high loyalty....
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